Thank you for a fantastic year
The beginning of 2016 marked a significant point as the old club with its strong heritage and foundations was given a fresh coat of paint and some new upgrades. Aside from introducing new branding and backend systems these changes included a revamp of the club's vision, mission, and values. It was these statements in conjunction with the help of our members, committee and community and government supporters that have guided us through a fantastic 2016. But as we shored up the foundations of our club we have also prepared for the future by applying for grants, increasing communication with members, landowners, local businesses and other clubs. With Susie heading up our GoGIRL initiative to advocate women in mountain biking and our efforts to get people riding and maintaining our local trails we have been able to build an interesting narrative. A narrative that highlights our endeavours of being inclusive, engaging and supportive of the local community while demonstrating that we have the big picture in mind - make the Sunshine Coast a premier mountain bike destination. With...