Wooroi Ride Summary – 18/12/2016
Unlike previous summary write-ups that can be quite crass and rather uncivilised I thought I’d start off with a lovely poem I’ve called… A Crap Poem for Wooroi!
Rocks roll and move, the fallen sticks snap
Float and lean on the fast flowy track
Nobby tyres grip, high berms guide
Singletrack narrow, fire road wide
Look at where to go, not what to hit
Stop my Strava if it all turns to shit
Not bad eh? That’s freakin’ classy as!! But enough of this high-brow nonsense.

Shooting down Glossy track
Sunday’s ride at Wooroi was awesome as it was not too hot or humid and we had a heap of Bushrangers, some new riders and the Cognition crew all rocking up for a thrash.
We broke up into 2 groups (fast and not-so-fast) with Greg from Cognition leading the fast group with his Specialized Levo e-bike. Apparently there was some serious airtime to be had by a few of these guys so if anyone has any video or photos send it through.
Marty and Tim came along with us in the Not-so-fast group and we went up to Top track, across to Snake and Bloodwood, then we did Secrets, then up Cross-Cut and then down Milk Maid. Once we got back to the carpark a few more went on to do Turn 10 as well.

Tania trying the new Levo – so much POWAAA!!
A lot of us tried out the new e-bike and reviews were mostly positive – especially when it was actually turned on. I had a go and thought it rocked – apart from those narrow 3″ tyres of course. I was impressed with how uncomplicated and seamless the whole system was.
Afterwards the guys from Cognition said their farewells and a few of us met up at the Cafe Doonan along Eumundi road. It was here that Steve told us he often wears his breakfast on his face due to the early starts on Sunday’s ride so keep an eye out for that interesting phenomenon from now on.
Thanks for a great ride everyone and thanks to Greg and the Cognition crew for coming along. I hope you had a good time and we’ll have to do it again.