Geoff showing correct body positions
Awesome morning was had with Geoff Foxx from Hit Bikes and some of our GoGIRLS as we started the roll out of 6 coaching sessions funded by Bushrangers through a grant we obtained last year for this purpose. There were smiles all around as we had fun learning new skills in the beautiful and purposefully built graded trails at Parklands, Nambour.
First we warmed up on the green trail that led to the skills area. There we learnt how to position ourselves on our bikes. Sounds basic but experienced riders know this is fundamentally really important. When you get this wrong it can end really badly, possibly with injuries, which leads you to precious time off your bike or a trip to hospital. No one wants that. Maybe you have experienced being too far back or forward on your bike, next minute you’re on the ground because your front wheel has washed out on a berm or some how your steed has thrown you off! There’s a saying, “I went over the hangers” for a reason because plenty of people have done it.

It was a friendly and relaxed learning environment
What I loved about Geoff’s method is I was taught how to work it out myself. I didn’t need anyone saying you’re too high or too far back. So now I can self- check every time I get on my bike whilst I’m riding. That alone felt empowering. After this initial lesson, he put one of us in front to check out all of our riding. Apparently I went too fast but I was enjoying myself so much I forgot we were at a coaching session. But that is very much Geoff’s style. And it fits our club’s motto, “We love to ride”. To my defense, we were on the Big V (well that’s what I’m calling it till it gets its new name) and all the pretty ferns distracted me.
After popping our front wheels over a log a few times, we were more than ready and super keen to ride the recently opened new blue trail. It was so much fun at the end some of us went back for another spin. From the feedback already coming in, everyone came away from these first coaching sessions with Geoff Foxx from Hit Bikes extremely happy and thankful for this Bushrangers initiative. The increased numbers prove that interest in women’s riding is mounting. Last year we filled two groups, (which were postponed due to rain) and this year five sessions were not enough. How exciting is that. Soon you will see bigger numbers of ladies sporting their new GoGIRL jerseys and holding their own in the forest. I for one can’t wait to go back now and practice some of my new skills. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. See you on the trails.
Susie Hume
Womens Advocate for the Bushrangers MTB Club.