Gympie ride report 19/2/2023
Ride report: Gympie 19/2/2023. In search of a gold bearing reef a mob of claim jumping Bushrangers met at the Victory Heights MTB trailhead. Clear intentions to ride every winding alluvial auriferous track and potentially clear the multitude of new double jumps…..or…. at least visualize it. Huge effort and accolades to the local trail wizards wonderful facility compressing more tracks into a small area for the wider community to enjoy. Ride leaders confirmed, the team split faster than a mine shaft explosion. Super human “Peter B“ led out the crazy fast paced group setting the wheels in motion around every curve and nugget-laden overburden jump. Tyre weighting is critical in keeping the front from stepping out and overshooting the 10 zillion tight corners on the shaly smooth tracks. Despite cries of mutiny from one younger rider due to the sustained exorbitant speed everyone warmed up and came out Ore enriched doing 27km and 470m no mean feat for Gympie!!. Eureka !!! The remaining mining crew...