About Our Club

Our club was formed in 1993 and incorporated in 1995 when mountain biking (MTB) in Australia was in its infancy. Since then the club and the sport have gained popularity through advocacy and participation. The Bushrangers MTB Club is a volunteer based organisation run by enthusiasts, for the benefit of promoting and supporting mountain biking across the region.

We do regular rides all over Sunshine Coast and SEQ from Cooloola to Brisbane, in national parks, state forestries and council parks. Check out this website for more information on events, news, and for places to ride.

Latest News

Check out our subsidised mountain bike skills clinics for September

Check out our subsidised mountain bike skills clinics for September

During September we’ve organised Geoff from HitBikes to provide some professional skills training for our beginner and intermediate riders (or any member who wants to go back to the basics and scrub out some bad habits).

These will be small 5-person classes about 90min long and will teach you the importance of body positioning on a bike such as the “attack position”. There are Green level clinics and Blue level clinics which teach the same things but are contextualise to the different level of rider and trail. If demand is there we will do further clinics on other fundamentals such as braking and cornering etc.

The classes are $10 and the money goes back to trail-care and organising future training clinics.

Click here to register for Green Level clinic

Click here to register for Blue Level clinics

If you have any questions let Michael know at secretary@bushrangers.org.

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