Dodging horse poop and march flies as big as bricks
So the day is winding down and I’ve donned my slippers and smoking jacket and sit in my baby seal covered wing chair sipping brandy that was snatched from the wavering hands of a dying French cavalry officer in 1815. I think back to last Sunday’s club ride and relive the fond memories and chuckle again at all the clever things I said.
Did you know that Sunday’s ride was the first one for the 2018? And according to the large book in my lap called the Encyclopedia of Dodgy Chinese Proverbs and Mountain Biking, this is the year of the Gnar Rabbit*. Isn’t that interesting? Learn something everyday don’t you? But I digress, let’s get back to Sunday’s ride shall we.
I arrived early to get my bike ready so I could then meet and greet everyone and insult their tyre sizes, as you do. But lo and behold there were riders everywhere and carparks nowhere. It seemed the day’s ride was going to be a big one. We ended up with over 39 riders including our regulars, new members, guests from other clubs and some courageous first timers. Big hello to you all and I hope you had a lovely ride.

Ewen Maddock Dam rides are good for a swim afterwards
The weather turned out to be great and only started to warm up towards the end of the ride but this is easily fixed by a quick swim in the dam or pointing your car’s A/C vents at your crotch.
The large amounts of rain that had fallen previously had filled the dam and nearby creeks and left quite a few challenging mud areas along our route. This was keenly noticed by Bronya as she fell off her bike in a particularly wet section of the trail – I do apologise for laughing before I asked if you were OK Bronya, it’s quite a bad habit I have.
The day’s ride leader was our esteemed president Ben “I’m so lucky to have a cool brother” Johns. It was his difficult task to safely lead the group through the perilous obstacles on this ride. These nasty obstacles included The Horse Poop Dash, Horseshoe Hill of No Horseshoes and our old nemesis The Skanky Swamp of Skankiness all this while fighting off bulletproof, fist-sized march flies throwing sticks into our spokes.
But as always, through teamwork, skill and tenaciousness the Bushrangers persevered, conquered all and coolly strutted away without looking back at the explosions.
Thanks for the coffee Brewhaha, thanks for the trails SEQ Water and QPWS and thanks for the ride everyone.
Lovingly yours,
Michael “Brandy tastes bad” Johns
Club Secretary
* 2018 is actually the Year of the Dog – not the Gnar Rabbit …FYI.

Ride Map and Elevation