Bushrangers Ride Report 22/12/19 “Bone Yards” Jungle Extravaganza

A hard-core group of enthusiastic MTB jockeys assembled at the Corbould Park race course car park for a guaranteed adventure into the Jungles of Bone Yards. The field was split into two groups with Wayne taking the Open class steads and Toby taking the Maiden Class.

Toby’s Class group followed in hot pursuit with a similar selection of tracks ridden hard with some of the Open group dropping back to a more sustainable pace for self-preservation. Some of the techy jungle tracks could have come from a Phantom movie with high humidity, Creeks, Palms, Vines, Pygmies?? Skull cave… maybe not. You get the idea this is a great riding area with more potential.

Some challenging tracks including downhill gnarly rocks and roots, twisty single-track gullies, hot dusty fire trails made for a great ride with Objective achieved “Maximum FUN!!” by all classes of the field. The Maiden group managed to win overall cup by a 2-minute margin arriving back to the carpark before the open class jockeys.
The ride concluded with the mandatory wonderful Coffee and Nosh from Malarkey Artisan coffee in Caloundra.

Thanks to all the riders and leaders that contributed to another great Bushrangers ride, look forward to seeing you all again at the Peachester ride on Sunday 29/12/19 for the last ride of 2019, see calendar for details.