About Our Club

Our club was formed in 1993 and incorporated in 1995 when mountain biking (MTB) in Australia was in its infancy. Since then the club and the sport have gained popularity through advocacy and participation. The Bushrangers MTB Club is a volunteer based organisation run by enthusiasts, for the benefit of promoting and supporting mountain biking across the region.

We do regular rides all over Sunshine Coast and SEQ from Cooloola to Brisbane, in national parks, state forestries and council parks. Check out this website for more information on events, news, and for places to ride.

Latest News


Bushrangers MTB Club / News (Page 51)

Social Media

While having a chat over coffee during or after a ride is our preferred method of socialising we do exist on a few popular social media platforms. Read on to find out more about the club and it's social media presence. The website will continue to be the source of all club news and updates. We encourage everyone to like/share/+1/pin our content to increase the profile of the club so we can attract and retain members. The following links can be found in the footer at the very bottom of each post/page on this website. Facebook The Bushrangers MTB Club Sunshine Coast Page (https://www.facebook.com/BMTBSC/) This represents the club on Facebook - all club Facebook communications will be done via the page. Posts to this website are automatically shared on the page. So if you want to keep up to date on what's happening with the club then like/follow our page. The Bushrangers MTB Club Sunshine Coast Group This public group is for general discussion. Typically discussion is about the club and...

Merry Christmas

As we reflect upon the past year, we would like to thank those who have helped us shape our club. Thanks for a great year and your continued support, we wish you all the best as you embark on 2016.  ...

Sunshine Coast Trail Alliance Update

Parklands TLC The Sunshine Coast Trail Alliance met yesterday for a planning session for next year. Still to be locked down but the focus for 2016 will be on the refurbishment and possible expansion of the Parklands trail network. The SCTA has a excellent vision for Parklands and to get things started next year would be a fantastic outcome. The Bushrangers and the SCTA will be seeking grants from all levels of government to help with funding this vision. We hope to see some works beginning in the first half of next year as there is some credit remaining with Trailworx. There’s a few ideas on how to spend it so let’s call it a surprise for now :) Trail Care The SCTA intends to establish a schedule of trail care days with the target of at least one Saturday afternoon session a month. This is to encourage greater participation from the wider trail using community since it gives everyone their sleep-ins and morning rides. So earn...

Night Riding

The monthly club night rides are always a pleasant experience. There is something about riding at night that let’s you drift off into a trance where you can reflect upon the past and yet at the same time enjoy the present, the time out on the bike. You could say it’s a style of mindfulness – maybe I should write a book?

There has never been an easier time to take up off-road night riding. There are so many lighting options and the prices affordable. For a small investment of a good bar and helmet light you open up a world of riding opportunities. The trails you thought you knew backwards and upside-down become alien yet somehow the light beams focus your attention and you go faster and smoother.

I find there is little more disconcerting than to ride in the dark for a time, out in the wilderness on your favourite trail, and then stop. The comforting sounds of the wind and the bike, the sounds of progress, cease – leaving utter silence. You begin to question things and soon you desire to go back to the comfort of progressing. However should you stay yourself and persist awhile you become attuned to your new surroundings and then you can continue.

It’s a new website!

After many months of planning, designing and testing we bring you this shiny new, mobile friendly, website. Thanks goes to Michael Johns for helping with design and content and to the committee for scouring over it and picking up various errors.

You may have seen glimpses of this new look with the Facebook page and group sharing the same ‘hero’ shot header image. It’s part of a unified theme for the club’s on-line presence.

Further content will be added in time but if you have anything you would like to see added such as more places to ride and local knowledge then please let us know.

The old site had a good innings lasting from ~2008 through to 2015. This is an extraordinary long lifespan for a website and sadly it was showing its age and was also a popular target for hackers looking for an easy exploit. Thanks goes to the efforts of past admins who selflessly worked to set it up and keep it going.

Women’s Advocacy Officer

To formally recognise the efforts of our members that are helping bring down the barriers of entry into mountain biking to women we have created a new committee position for Women's Advocacy. The position entails the co-ordination and facilitation of rides and events for women and to assist the club in ensuring that women are fairly represented and encouraged to participate in all club activities. Susie Hume has volunteered and therefore has been appointed to the position until the next annual general meeting. For more information see our Women's Advocacy page.  ...

Mapleton Back on the Community Ride Menu

We've had a few requests to host community rides in Mapleton Forest again. So we'll alternate between Ewen Maddock and Mapleton for a while and see how people go. Mapleton can be a little challenging for a first time rider as there is a deceptive amount of climbing hidden in that road to the Oaky Creek lookout. So we've allowed for two meeting points (Mapleton Lilly Ponds and the Mapleton Forest Day Use Area) to try and make the ride shorter for those who may be a little concerned about the effort. Members take note that this isn't like the usual club rides in Mapleton Forest. It's a straight up and back to the lookout via the access road with no side tracks. Keep it simple so no one bonks out or gets lost. The Mapleton Forest Day Use Area has recently been refurbished with additional car parking and the trailhead further up the road has also been redone to accommodate the the motorcycles better....

Ride Organisers/Leaders Wanted

Have a great idea for a club ride? Want to lead a club ride? We're looking for willing people to help organise and/or lead club rides next year. Please email info@bushrangers.org for further information and/or your ideas  ...

Committee Meeting Update from June 2015

A few points from the Committee Meeting in June 2015. Ride leaders Based on member feedback the club will be endeavouring improve our communication during Social & Club rides. By encouraging our valued Ride Leaders, Corner Markers, Tail End Charlies, regular and new riders to be aware of the MTBAs suggested Ride Leader policies and assisting in their implementation during all our rides. Have a look through the MTBAs 2014 draft policy available on their site, it's one page of common sense but a good for all riders to be familiar with. Trails Caloundra Sugar Bag trails are a happening thing! We are encouraging members to sign the petition being circulated by the awesome advocates from the Sunshine Coast Trail Alliance & Caloundra riding community. As well as any other trail advocacy projects across the greater SE QLD region. The new trails along Steve Irwin Way opposite the Big Kart Track (who need a name) will be added into our regular rides and are currently proving popular with members...