Hello ‘Rangers!
So I noticed that 3 was the lucky number for Sunday’s ride e.g. 3 hours of riding, 3 lookouts visited, 3 litres of sweat loss!
After the last few hot days it was a pleasant surprise to see the weather app saying it would be below 30ºC. However I forgot to account for the 3000% humidity level. I could’ve thrown a fish in the air and watched it swim away.

Greg finally decided to grace us with his presence for 2017
We parked at the Glasshouse Mountain footy club and rode alongside Steve Irwin way towards Mt Tibrogargan. We worked our way along to the first lookout and quickly checked out the view. It was eerily silent so I assumed the birds had all drowned or something.
We then proceeded to the Jack Ferris Lookout (obviously named after the guy who invented the Ferris wheel). Here we stopped to enjoy the view and have a rest but we didn’t stay long. It was just too still and clammy, we had to keep moving to keep cool. Also there was like 3-million mozzies attacking our faces.