2017 Bush Ranger’s AGM – Sunday March 19th, 2pm
It's AGM time for 2017 (and that's means "Annual General Meeting" not "Asiatic Geese Migration" - don't repeat my embarrassing mistake). So this year's AGM will be back at the Arts and Ecology Centre located within the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens at Tanawha - https://goo.gl/maps/CoXPm2WcWeQ2. The meeting will kick off at 2pm and food and drinks will be provided. Ben will probably show us an awesome PowerPoint again - WOOHOOO!!! (that was sarcasm). Want to add an item to the agenda? If you have something you want on the agenda then send it through to secretary@bushrangers.org by the 03/03/2017 so I can get it written up and sent out to everyone. Want to have a go in the Committee? We are planning on adding a few new positions this year so if there is something you'd like to be involved in then throw your hat in the ring. Committee positions and example tasks President (Ride calendar, advocacy, grants, project and stakeholder management) Secretary (Club administration, social media, grants, helps committee) Treasurer (Watches...