About Our Club

Our club was formed in 1993 and incorporated in 1995 when mountain biking (MTB) in Australia was in its infancy. Since then the club and the sport have gained popularity through advocacy and participation. The Bushrangers MTB Club is a volunteer based organisation run by enthusiasts, for the benefit of promoting and supporting mountain biking across the region.

We do regular rides all over Sunshine Coast and SEQ from Cooloola to Brisbane, in national parks, state forestries and council parks. Check out this website for more information on events, news, and for places to ride.

Latest News

New Committee Position Available

New Committee Position Available

Have you ever finished a hard day at work and said to yourself “If only I could spend these precious few hours left in the day to do MORE WORK FOR FREE”? If you said YES!… then you are a bit weird, but that’s cool because you could be a great fit with the Bushranger MTB Club Committee! So read the following and if you can help then contact Ben at president@bushrangers.org!

Position Title:

Executive Director – Department of Non-Local Trail Usage (aka. Away Rides/Camping Trip Organiser)

What you will need to do:

  • Decide where the club could go by listening to requests from members or the MTB grapevine (note that is a metaphor – there is no actual grapevine).
  • Work out if it’s a day trip or a camping event and create the itinerary with meeting points and camping locations.
  • Let the Secretary know the details to publish online.
  • Ride and have fun and be there to answer any questions and help things run smoothly.

What you don’t have to do:

  • Calendar updates
  • Website posts
  • Social media updates
  • Massage the President’s feet

What’s in it for you:

  • Glory!
  • Maybe some pizza at the committee meetings
  • a STICKER!!
  • Maybe an awkward shoulder rub?

Serious note:

The club is booming! The club’s membership is growing astronomically and things are happening at a dizzying speed with current projects underway and more projects on the horizon.  There are a lot of balls in the air and we just need to pass a couple of them to others. In particular we know the Away Rides and Camping trips have always been a club favorite and we don’t want them to get lost under other things. Also remember that we have a great committee which will be there to help if you need it.

Michael Johns
Club Secretary

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