Hey there Bushies,
Sorry about the delay in the ride summary but I just keep getting distracted by my beautiful moustache. It’s just so hard to type and twirl my tips at the same time.
So last Sunday’s Community ride went anti-clockwise this time so we headed along the pavement to the Mooloolah township and then through the old railway tunnel in Dularcha national park and had mid-ride coffees at Landsborough. The more energetic riders shot off and did some of the nasty hills in Dularcha and met us at Landsborough afterwards. Some of the beginner riders then came back through the dam trails with me while the others went on to do Ferny Forest.
The group got split up in Mooloolah as a train went through. As patience isn’t one of my virtues but showing off is, Ben and I employed some Cyclocross (CX) skills and threw our bikes over our shoulders and ran up and over the pedestrian bridge. I regretted this decision by about the 5th step up – heavy fat-bikes are not for running with!

Bike Moustache – increases both air resistance AND awesomeness!
Similar to the recent Cooroy ride we stopped for coffee at a central spot so everyone could wander off and forage for their coffees/cakes from any of the nearby cafes and bakeries. With the larger rider groups we get now (this ride had 42 of us) this concept works out good and we end up supporting a lot more local businesses too.
Graham showed up with the first order of his bespoke “bike moustaches” for us. I got a sexy orange one to match my wheels (because that’s important). Thanks Graham! If you want one you just have to donate $10 to Graham’s Movember page and he’ll whip you one up.
Being such a big group and trying to cater for everyone’s tastes does make things a bit hectic but big thanks to all our seasoned members who keep an eye out for everyone and made sure no-one gets hurt and lost. Thanks for coming everyone and a big hello to new riders Teena and Aden, Nick, Tanya and Patrick and anyone else I missed.
Movember 10000km Challenge Week 1 update: 24 riders, $1040 raised, 2880km ridden. Come join us here (you don’t need to grow a Mo).
See you at Parklands!
Michael “My moustache reduces my milk intake” Johns
Club Secretary