New Trails, New Faces and New BBQ! Today’s Trailcare Summary
The first stage of the Parklands MTB Trails Project is now complete with the opening of the new access track from the Radar Hill Road carpark through to the soon-to-be skills area.
After our sausage sizzle we grabbed some tools and headed into the new beginner’s trail (Stage 2). Matt from Trailworx has roughed in a good chunk of the new trail so today’s job was to go in with handtools to help shape it up and do the drains. Ben took a team to polish off the newly opened access trail, my team (aka “Alpha Attack Team Sharpened Rakehoe”) started from the end of the new work and worked backwards while the others started from the top and worked down so we met in the middle.
We made good progress with clearing drains, angling back the high edges and building some rollovers to get over some unavoidable big tree roots. Still a bit more work to do but it’s looking good.
We had some new faces today so a big hello to you and as always a massive thanks to everyone for all the help!
Michael Johns
Club Secretary
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