About Our Club

Our club was formed in 1993 and incorporated in 1995 when mountain biking (MTB) in Australia was in its infancy. Since then the club and the sport have gained popularity through advocacy and participation. The Bushrangers MTB Club is a volunteer based organisation run by enthusiasts, for the benefit of promoting and supporting mountain biking across the region.

We do regular rides all over Sunshine Coast and SEQ from Cooloola to Brisbane, in national parks, state forestries and council parks. Check out this website for more information on events, news, and for places to ride.

Latest News


Bushrangers MTB Club / News (Page 29)

Nasty Sticks and Pretty Pics – Mapleton Club Ride Summary – 23/04/2017

Q: What’s brown and sticky?
A: A stick!

That classic primary school joke leads us into the theme of Sunday’s ride. Sticks! Sticks everywhere! Sticks on the trail – sticks in wheels and derailleurs – sticks in my thigh. The li’l bastards were everywhere! But despite the constant assault from these gravity challenged branches the ride was actually a lot of fun.

So sixteen of us were ready to go at the Mapleton lily pond and the plan was to head to the Oaky Creek lookout through the Linda Garret Park fire breaks. Then on the way back we would do the flow’y Turpentine track (aka the Magic mile). Linda Garret park was a little damp with a few trees down but it was still great to ride as it’s so beautiful in there.

Craig’s snapped crank arm (photo taken with a potato it seems).

We met up at the new parking area where the motorbikes can load/unload and then broke up into two groups. A fast group lead by Nick shot off towards the lookout with the rest of us travelling a bit slower behind. Most of us made it to the lookout but poor Craig snapped his crank arm (no joke!) at the halfway point and had to head back.

The lookout was spectacular as always, with the beautiful weather we could see for miles. After a bite to eat and chat (where Will accidentally exposed his advanced knowledge of The Transformers cartoons) we set off back towards the Day Use area and the Magic Mile.

A few of us were running out of batteries so we only did half the Magic Mile and broke off early and headed back to the cars and coffee. The others completed the whole trail then grunted and groaned their way back up the Mapleton Forest road.

Parklands MTB Trail Project Update – Stage One

[caption id="attachment_3092" align="alignright" width="229"] Parklands MTB Trails Project - Map Reference[/caption] Hi Folks, An update on what's happening with the new trails going in at Parklands. We're about to start on stage one of six, as per below: [Stage One] 1km ‘green/easy’ access track from the Radar Hill Road carpark to the proposed skills area (map reference BT1) [Stage Two] 3.5km beginners loop (map reference SL1) [Stage Three] 2km intermediate ‘flow’ trail (map reference PT1) [Stage Four/Five] 0.5km skills area (map reference SA1) [Stage Six] 450m reroute of existing trail (map reference RR1) & Upgrade existing creek crossing (map reference RR2) Stage One consists of the construction of an IMBA green trail that will be approximately 1km long and will provide access to the beginners loop (stage two) and skills area (stages four and five). It will also provide alternative access while Road Rage undergoes maintenance later this year as part of Stage Six. After a slight delay caused by Cyclone Debbie, Trailworx is scheduled to start...

Inaugural Hill Climb Race Summary – 17/04/2017

Hello everyone,


So I don’t know about the other guys but I had been stressing about this race for a bit. The timing gear had been a little flakey, the storms had knocked down trees over the trail and the last race I helped in I was called particularly nasty names by some over-competitive twat.

But all this stress was for naught as everything went pretty smooth and the race was done and dusted in a little over an hour. Afterwards everyone headed off to their well-earned breakfast and coffee or did some more exploring of the nearby Cooloolabin trails.

The week before

The days before the race were hectic with QPWS quickly clearing the fallen trees from Cyclone Debbie. Ben and I testing the club radios along the trail (where Ben crashed, writing off his front wheel and ‘corking’ his leg). I also dragged Kim and Locky along for a “relaxing” walk up the trail to help place the bunting (force-marching a toddler up a dirt road doesn’t end well).

Race day

On race day Ben and I and our awesome volunteers got to the top of the track and helped setup the timing gear and put some drinks on ice for the racers. We had a quick marshal briefing, handed out the radios and then went to our posts. Jo and her hubby Ian came down with me to the starting line to help with setup, race plates and to be the rescue vehicle.

Greg was on checkpoint one at top of first hill, Di and Dave was on checkpoint 2 near the nasty water bars and Damo was at the bottom of the last hill. Julie and Ben were at the top with the timing gear and chocolate eggs. Rob Macdonald and the other volunteers took a heap of awesome photos too. Thanks for all your help guys, have I said how awesome you are?

Don was confident he’d get podium in his grade

The race!

So we ended up having 9 riders for the race with quite a few no-shows (I suspect there were a few people with bellies full of chocolate or grog still in bed). Boaz and Will were in category A with Boaz defending his KOM for the trail. Boaz bettered his previous time by a massive 55 seconds. Category B had 6 riders with James Harris being dragged along by Ben Harris on the day for a “fun” ride up a hill. Category C only had Don Moss who was pretty confident he had a good shot at winning his grade. Results are available here.

At the end of the day the feedback was good with the riders happy with the format and only a couple of small things where we can make improvements for next time.

Thanks to the riders and the volunteers for a fun morning!

Michael “How do I show seconds on my phone?” Johns
Club Secretary

Good luck to Rod at the World Masters @WMG2017

Our Rod Brannock is heading over to NZ to compete in the World Masters Games. He will be competing in the MTB event at Wood Hill MTB park. Good luck and have a heap of fun Rod! All the details are here - http://www.worldmastersgames2017.co.nz/the-sports/schedules-and-results/cycling/mountain-biking/...

Pomona-Cooran Club Ride Summary – 16/04/2017

Greetings everyone,

Toby and Chad lost in a deep conversation about plasterboard.

So the club ride on Sunday was a smaller affair than normal with a lot of members doing the family thing or camping at Hiddenvale. I was going to have to lead this ride due to President Ben recently bouncing down the Bottle ‘n’ Glass trail on his face. But luckily for everyone Toby and Chad came along and led instead because quite frankly I navigate as well as a bird flies a plane.

So there was Di and Shelly on this ride as well as myself, Toby, Chad, Martin, Steve and guest rider Mark. I hope you all had a good ride.

We started at Pomona and rode through the Tuchekoi National Park before crossing Jampot Road into Furgusons Road. We followed the horse trail up that challenging climb and then dropped into the cool single-tracks that follow Jampot Creek Road. We then cut across the bitumen and followed trail 5 into Cooran.

Vote for us in the Mountain Bikes Direct “Dollars For Dirt” Funding Program

We’re excited to announce that our club has been selected as a recipient of the Mountain Bikes Direct “Dollars For Dirt” Community Funding program. We’re guaranteed to receive $150 from the program, but to secure the top grant ($300) we need your help! Between the 1st and the 25th of this month, if you shop at Mountain Bikes Direct (www.mountainbikesdirect.com.au), you can cast your vote and help decide which of three selected groups should get the $300! You simply shop as normal, and at the order confirmation page (after you checkout) you will have the ability to cast your vote. We’d love for you to spread the word and encourage people to put their vote towards our Club, so that we can secure as many votes as possible and hopefully score the top grant! Thanks for your support, Bushrangers MTB Club Sunshine Coast [caption id="attachment_2973" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Click for more information[/caption] ...

Hill Climb Race Update – T: MINUS 6 DAYS

[caption id="attachment_2858" align="alignright" width="178"] All this could be yours![/caption] Woooo!! do you feel that? That chill in the air? Is it simply the weather or could it be the cold tingles of anticipation making you shudder? OK fine it's probably the weather. But here is an update for you all. Registrations are coming in (thank god! - it would've been pretty embarrassing if it was just Michael racing...

Merida 24hr 2017 has been done and dusted.

Royce on his singlespeed – apparently “One gear means more beer”

Pete, Toby and Royce all raced at Hiddenvale over the weekend in the Merida 24hr race. Pete got 2nd place and did 23 laps in the 24 hours. That equals to 358km with 5807m of elevation according to Strava. Royce did 111km for his team which came in 4th place for the team category. Toby got a respectable 28th in his category.

If we’ve missed anyone let us know and we’ll get it sorted!

All the stats are here – http://my5.raceresult.com/71530/results#0_BE1C9A

Parklands Ride Summary – 09/04/2017

Parklands was filled with Bushrangers on Sunday morning, as we had the normal club ride happening as well as a rookie ride for our beginner riders.

Sunday was also a very special day because not only was the weather sublime but it was also the official “Cherish an Antique Day” and “Name Yourself Day”. I’m a bit upset because if I had known earlier then I would’ve given Terry and Alf a big hug and called myself Max Power. But next Sunday is “Eggs Benedict Day” or “Wear Your Pyjamas to Work Day” so FYI everyone!

Big hello to our regular and new members and welcome to all of our guests for the day. I hope you all had a good ride.

Signing off,

Max Power!!
Club Secretary