Mapleton Ride Summary – 03/09/2017
Hey everyone,
My sincerest apologies about the extreme lateness of this ride summary. I’m afraid I’ve only just regained my sight from the brilliant awesomeness of last week’s ride and as I am still in withdrawal I’ll keep this short and sweet.

Mapleton Day Use Area
We had 30 riders in two groups on this ride with the usual group leaving from the township and doing a 30km ride while I took a smaller group on a 15km ride from the Mapleton Day Use Area.
The bigger group went up past Linda Garrett park, through to the first lookout and then off to the bigger Oaky Creek lookout. They then did the Magic Mile trail and then back to the town. The smaller group went to the smaller lookout and then did the whole Magic Mile trail.
The two groups did merge at one point which was surprising when I looked back to check on my 8 riders and saw that I now had 30 riders behind me. It was like that scene in Gremlins when you got them wet.
Apart from a little confusion with some missing riders and new rider Courtney being attacked by a nasty stick, the ride went well and we finished with coffee and cake in Mapleton.
Thanks for the ride everyone and thanks to John, Shelly and Ben for the following photos I stole.
Lots of hugs!
Michael “Speak up if you’re not here!” Johns
Club Secretary