About Our Club

Our club was formed in 1993 and incorporated in 1995 when mountain biking (MTB) in Australia was in its infancy. Since then the club and the sport have gained popularity through advocacy and participation. The Bushrangers MTB Club is a volunteer based organisation run by enthusiasts, for the benefit of promoting and supporting mountain biking across the region.

We do regular rides all over Sunshine Coast and SEQ from Cooloola to Brisbane, in national parks, state forestries and council parks. Check out this website for more information on events, news, and for places to ride.

Latest News


Bushrangers MTB Club / News (Page 36)

Pomona to Kin Kin Ride Summary 27/11/2016

hill (/hɪl/) - noun 1. a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain. thoroughly enjoyed by mountain bikers. With over 1000m of climbing over a relatively short 40km the theme for Sunday's ride was HILLS. Glorious uninterrupted climbing for miles! Climbing over dirt and gravel, climbing over grass, climbing over rocks, trees, small animals! We climbed everything. Nick, one of our resident single speed advocates, must have planned for all this ascending and rocked up on a shiny new climbing weapon - a Specialized Epic FSR in Teal/Rocket Red livery. He still rode it like a single speed and kept running out of the little grinding gears. Twelve brave riders began the climb up 'Trail 5' to Cooran with a sneaky diversion along some hidden single track and over a slippery log. We migrated onto the notorious 'Trail 3' which hosted the bulk of the delicious hills including the "mothar" which one can barely walk up let alone keep the...

Major Grant Success!

Good news everyone! This morning I received a call from the Hon Peter Wellington's office giving notice that the club has been successful in securing the following Queensland Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing grants: Get Going Clubs ($7500) This grant will fund training programmes in catering for people getting into (or back into) mountain biking. Courses will include training in nutrition, strength building, injury prevention and mountain bike handling. These are skills that can apply to all sorts of sporting activities and not just mountain biking. There will be also be a women's only option supported by our Go GIRLs. Get Playing Places and Spaces ($100,000) Combined with the Sunshine Coast Council Community Grant this will fund the Parklands MTB Trials Project that will deliver a 'green' beginners loop, progressive flow trails and various other trail work activities. Official media release by the Hon Curtis Pitt: http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2016/11/25/sunshine-coast-clubs-share-in-governments-investment-in-sport-and-recreation This success was the result of many hours of effort and assistance from the QPWS, Sunshine Coast Trails Alliance, the...

Sunshine Coast Coastal Pathway Plan

While we prefer to avoid the pavement unless the weather is bad there is something relaxing about cruising along a pathway by the beach. So we like to draw your attention to the Sunshine Coast Council's Draft Coastal Pathway Master Plan and ask if you could take time to provide your feedback. Summary of the plan is as follows: The council aims to provide a continuous shared pathway spanning 73 km of our coastline. There are many pathways already in place and this master plan will help guide the route and fill in the gaps, where pathways need to be upgraded or constructed. The Coastal Pathway makes it easier and safer for our community to enjoy an active lifestyle, experience iconic views, beaches and parks, and connect to local destinations, services and businesses. Visit our website to view the master plan and complete an online survey. You can also view the plan at your local library. Oh there's also a chance you could win a voucher or two....

Pomona – Cooran Ride Summary 20/11/2016

Howdy y'all, "Why is he speaking like he is from the country?" I hear you ask. Well I thought I'd theme things up a bit because Sunday's ride was out in the deep wild west territories that is Pomona and Cooran.  So let's go herd dem dere cattle and shoot doze pesky varmints YEEE HAAA!! OK fine, that's a big stretch but I'm struggling this morning. So apparently last week I may have used the ride summary to promote my personal E-bike agenda and my hatred of dark chocolate. This is what happens when you forget to take photos and you have to fill the space with words. But I shall "try" to tone back my stating the obvious and just stick to the events of the rides. 15 of us met up at Pomona and we were ready to go at 7am (big hello to Justin from Giant who joined in on his cool looking single speed). We needed a ride leader so I put it to the...

2016 Club End Of Year BBQ

On Saturday the 10/12/2016 we will be having our end of year BBQ at Paul Vandeleur's house in Dulong (behind Nambour). Paul has been busy making some impressive trails on his property so we'll take the opportunity to ride them and have a race for anyone who is interested - the winner gets a big metaphorical bucket of glory and fame! and bragging rights of course. An email has been sent out with the details and RSVP link - if you haven't received it (check your spam/junk mail!) please email info@bushrangers.org and we'll forward it through. Please RSVP before Friday, 2nd of December....

Trail Standards, Professional Certification Framework & Curriculum, and Peak Body to Represent Trail Builders

The MTBA established a project working group at the 2015 Australian MTB Summit to investigate options for the following: National standards/guidelines for the design and construction of MTB trails; Development of a professional certification framework for trail builders and curriculum program; Establishment of a peak body to represent the Australian trail building industry. The working group has completed option papers for each of the above areas/projects and are seeking feedback from the following constituents. Professional trail builders; Clubs, private promoters and trail care alliances; State and territory land management agencies; and the MTB community. The working group is keen to receive feedback from you.  Here is a link to the generic survey and the 3 option papers which form the basis for the survey questions.  The option papers will need to be read prior to completing the survey.  The survey closes 27 November. Survey: https://goo.gl/forms/OGD04qrkhXAYRVom2 Option Papers: http://www.mtba.asn.au/trails/ The results of the survey will be summarised and presented at the 2016 Australian MTB Summit and steps put in place...

06/11/2016 Ewen Maddock Dam Community Ride Summary

Sunny skies greeted us at the ‘dam this morning with a car park full of eager MTBers wanting to head out and harvest the local KOMs and QOMs (well done Rod and Shelley!). In my case I was more interested in harvesting a coffee from Buck’s Bakery after my lazy week long Brisbane trip but I digress. The turn out was huge with around 40 riders starting in two groups – the fasties and the slowies (nothing wrong with smelling the roses!). Also a welcome to the Forsythe family who tagged along regardless of a tough Mapleton ride yesterday, John, and Jason.

Michael pushed the fasties off first so the rest of us could take our time heading over to Landsborough. They took on Rosies Circuit straight off before meeting us at the bakery for morning tea. After that the slowies went off towards Mooloolah via the old spooky tunnel and the rest did a lap of Ferny Forest before returning to the cars. The timing of both groups was pretty good with both meet ups arriving at pretty much the same time.

Thanks goes to Paul for leading the fast group and to me for leading the slow group.

Our Ewen Maddock community rides is always a popular one and a great way to get into mountain biking as it’s got a bit of everything, lots of different routes to take and very low to moderate difficulties. If you can ride all the hills around Ewen Maddock Dam then you can progress onto Parklands.


Slow, easy ride


Fast, long ride









Welcome to Giant Sunshine Coast

[caption id="attachment_1920" align="alignright" width="300"] Click for the website[/caption] Hey there everyone, The next Parklands event (13/11/16) will be the next “Support your local bike shop” ride and Justin and Kent from Giant Sunshine Coast are coming to ride with us and they'll be bringing some demo bikes to try. The ride starts at Aitkenson Road West at 6.45am, ride off at 7am (you might want to get there a bit earlier to check out the bikes so we can still meet the ride off time). Depending on numbers we’ll have two groups and coffee afterwards will be at Bli Bli Bakery. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/giantsunshinecoast/ @giantsunshinecoast...

Is Chris Carter’s Method Groovy?

Ben, our Bushranger’s president and I were invited to come and try the “Groover Method” on Friday afternoon to see if it might be something useful for the GoGIRLs (Get Into Riding Ladies MTB riding group). I was happy to attend as I am always looking for tips to improve my riding and then pass these on. Chris began with a backstory on how he came to develop the concept and already I could relate as I personally knew many riders who had injured themselves quite badly and have had to have considerable time off their bikes. No-one likes that! He began by explaining the Core Rules. What Chris was saying all make sense. I had some light bulb moments. You know it when you get it just right, you flow from left to right and you get in the groove! Ha ha! But when you don’t it can be disastrous! I think I have a permanent scar on my left shoulder from when trees...